shed skateboards


byrd nicky hall joel jason david david

Monday, February 19, 2007

No Name Demo!

Yesterday was the demo at No Name skatepark. We rolled in around noon and got warmed up. This time we decided to block off the course for the actual demo. It was a success. Flying around the park is much easier without people everywhere. This demo featured prospective shed rider kenneth golden. Kenneth held it down with multiple tech tricks in the street box area. Some highlights were his popshuvit nose manual 180 and his halfcab kickflip manual 180 out. Hall killed the bowl as always. This he time extended his boardslide up the esculator and around the corner into the flat wall, a total distance of around 10 feet. Jeff byrd and waldo ripped it as well. Jeff did the highest frontside air over the hip, ever. Jason frontside 5-0'd up the esculator and around the whole corner at mach speed. After the demo a heated game of skate went down between kenneth and nicky, in which kenneth took the win. It was fun and we hope to see you all at the next one.